
Perhaps no one in this world is considered to be lowlier and more cast aside in society than a prostitute. Few people seem more beyond help and hope. With Jesus, however, there is hope. No matter what you have done. No matter where you have been. God loves you. Here are testimonies of prostitutes.

Michael Thornton became a male prostitute to pay for his drug addiction. But beyond the pain and the shame, he found a Love who could truly redeem him. See his testimony and how Jesus Christ saved his life from cocaine, suicide, drugs and depression,

Abused by her own father, feeling unloved and blaming God for her problems, Susan was led into “modeling” (prostitution) at the age of 17 by her step-father. The prostitution led to arrest. She was stripped of dignity and felt there was no hope. In desperation, she called to God.

Karen was abused as a child. She had a child at the age of 13. All she knew was abuse and it turned in a life of prostitution. She grew tired of living. She turned to drugs. She wanted to be arrested. She grew desperate for God. And then her life changed.

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