
Dave Robbins had a successful career as a country singer that began when he was 20.  He’s had hundreds of songs recorded, multiple number one and top ten singles and co-founded the multi-platinum country band, BlackHawk. He had everything, but his life was falling apart, and he was haunted by lifelong choices and a lifestyle that was destroying him and his marriage until everything changed.

The world knows Michael Ketterer as the man who got the only Golden buzzer to send him straight through to the finals on America’s Got Talent. The world doesn’t know the rest of the story.

Justin Bieber is well-known for his quick rise to fame at an early age, and much of his life has played out like a tabloid feature in the public eye. Now that he considers himself a believer in the saving grace of Jesus Christ, his faith, also, is a matter of public curiosity. Here he describes his newfound faith in a brief interview segment.